Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Little house on the prairie

I was texting my daughter  tonight about enlisting her assistance in setting up my future shop on line.  When I first started writing my poems and felt God putting it upon my heart to share this inspiration with the world, things were a lot different.  I had made brochures, fliers, giving them away as gifts , and was arranging to place some in a craft store near by to begin a special order program.  Now it is all on line! 
 I have seen so many changes in time of my life.  I am in awe of change yet still hunger for the old "little house on  the prairie" days.  I know these changes all make my life easier and there is no going back, but oh how my heart aches for simplicity.  Harder physical work, oh yes, but truth is truth and marriage is forever in a God centered society!!! 

Ahhh, I borrowed this photo of a friends home up in Montana.  Seems a world away from Las Vegas, look closely and you can almost hear the cow bell ringing at supper time and Laura Ingalls shouting "I'm comin Pa".  

 Thank you for your photo Mitch. I hope life is half as peaceful as I imagine u there in God's country!   Have a blessed day everyone. :)


  1. Thanks for sharing! Pretty quiet up here for the most part, which I prefer.
