Thursday, April 11, 2013


Isn't funny when your past circles around with your present?  I am now 53 years old and recently God has been bringing back people to me that were my friends years ago. Some maybe 5-10 years ago and some even 30years ago!

I am in awe of life and how in this past month I reconnected with my first love. No not for any "rekindling of flames" as he is very happily married to a wonderful wife and has a beautiful family miles and miles away. I will always love him for being my first love and I am so grateful he is loved and happy.

Through that reconnection though, I found one of our old friends too that hung out with us a lot and I hadn't seen him since we were in our 20's!  Turns out we live within a few miles of each other, have shared some similar life changes and now tomorrow I get to go out to the race track to watch him race! I gave up that part of my heart years ago and have oh so missed being at a track and smelling the awesome smell of nitro!

Yep, I'd say this is a 360! Yesterday he treated me to lunch and that lunch lasted five hours, I could of sat there another five easily. It was just like when I go back east and see my best friends from childhood, it is like nothing changed but our age. The comfort level is still there forever!

  Tomorrow will be a day of heaven on earth for me and I will enjoy every second I am out there at track.  God blesses us in so many ways , be ready!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Missed you old friend

I've missed you old friend.  That's how I feel as I sit here at my computer and contemplate what to write on my blog, my blog that I have ignored for far too long.  So much has happened in these months since I've written and I feel like I am sitting down with a old friend to catch up!

I have adjusted my schedule at work once again to consist of 3 day shifts 8am-8pm Friday thru Sunday and one night shift of 8pm-8am in the mid week.  I love the night shift for writing and research work while my clients are all asleep.  

I just bought a brand new car, not that I felt it was time financially and wanted to just now, but my old car that I had bought off a used car lot three years earlier and paid 30% interest on and I just paid off on February 28th, sure enough had engine trouble that would cost hundreds of dollars to repair. Hundreds of dollars I did not have and it was threatening to blow if not repaired asap and registration was coming due.  Rather than try to push it to point of blowing up, I figured maybe I could trade it in? 

I am now a proud owner of a brand new 2013 Chrysler 200 that I truly love.  Ahhh I so missed that fresh smell of a new car and the sense of security that it would not be breaking down and then the oh so wonderful feeling that if I could take the time , I could jump in my car right now and drive to a beach in Ca.!!!  That is the reason for the schedule change, I now NEED the eight hours over time each week so I can pay for this wonderful security.  

Blessings in the fact that my ex-husband actually co-signed for me so I could get this one at 5.3% interest!  I can not let him down and I oh so want to earn my good credit score back.  The plan is for me to pay for a year on this loan and then refinance in my own name...pray by then my credit score improves enough to get me 5.3%!!!  I can not afford any higher payments than I already have, hense the overtime hours and the night shift, with the night shift I can start developing my shop on Etsy and start my writing again to sell and earn more income to qualify better next year on own.I'm constantly looking for ways to make side money and afford those things needed in my life.

In midst of car breaking down and having to go on a long term commitment loan, I received a phone call from my doctor that they want me to go back to a third mammogram and ultra sound for third time in two months!  Praise God I know I have him and know all the miracles He has done in my life in past so I can rest assured He is in midst of all I am going through now with finances and health!  I don't even think there is anything wrong with my breast , as all the pain is in my lower abdomen where doctors found sizable cyst last year but no one has bothered to ultra sound them?  I have been "on a list" for the last 6 months at least to see a ob/gyn and a Neurologist for my seemingly MS symptoms.  Summer is coming and I feel overwhelmed with the heat already as here in Vegas it is hitting 80's daily.

Pray with me for God's intervention where I need it and God's wisdom on finding natural ways to ease my symptoms with eating as healthy as I can and keeping stress at a minimum.

Now enough about me my old friend, how have you been?!